Day 1

8:30 TO 9:30 The Psychology of Pandemics – Dr. Steve Taylor Ph.D.

9:30 TO 10:00 Break and visit Exhibitor Hall

10:00 TO 12:30 Cyber Security, Privacy: The nuts and bolts applied to the practice of psychology

  • Susanne Armstrong and Mikel Pearce - ‘Checklist of Regulations & Legislation you need to be aware of’
  • Dr. Amber Smith - 'Is you practice compliant?'
  • Lisa Hamilton - ‘Ensuring that you are adhering to College standards’

12:30 TO 1:15 Lunch and visit Exhibitor Hall

1:15 TO 1:30 Installation of New OPA President Dr. Jason Ramsay

1:30 TO 2:15 Breakout Discussion: Helping parents and students deal with the pandemic–hosted by Dr. Maria Kokai and Rita Alekian- open to all

2:15 TO 2:30 Exhibitor Hall


Day 2

8:30 to 9:30 Children, Youth, Families & COVID: -What do we know and Where do we go from here? Dr. Joanna Henderson

9:30 TO 10:00 Break and visit to Exhibitor Hall

10:00 TO 12:00 Presentation and Panel Discussion:

OPA Remote/Tele- Assessment Guidelines: Reviewing the Evidence across the Lifespan – how to conduct assessments in our new world!

  • Dr. Diana Velikonja
  • Dr. Todd Cunningham
  • Dr. Bob Gates
  • Dr. Sandra Belfry
  • Dr. Carolyn Lennox

12:00 TO 12:30 OPA Polling on virtual/remote/tele assessment platforms and Lunch

12:30 TO 1:00 Breakout Discussion: Graduate Training During the Pandemic- hosted by Dr. Chris Mushquash and Dr. Amanda Maranzan – open to all

1:00 TO 2:30 Presentation and Panel Discussion- Lessons learned from Conducting Remote/Tele-Individual and Group Therapy: Review of the evidence and what we are learning from practice.

  • Dr. Giorgio Tasca
  • Dr. Randi McCabe
  • Dr. Todd Cunningham